valentine's day 2024

From Clicks
To Kisses

Online Strategies for a Love-Infused
Valentine’s Season.

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Love and online shopping

In line with positive projections, a recent Forbes report predicts that Valentine’s Day spending will reach a re-markable $26 billion, making it one of the highest spending records for this holiday.

NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay highlights the industry’s readiness to assist consumers in celebrating Valentine’sDay with heartfelt gestures. Retailers are geared up to offer remarkable gifts at affordable prices, acknowledging customers’ desire to express affection for friends and loved ones.

What's inside
Within these pages, discover a wealth of strategic insights aimed at elevating your e-commerce revenues. From the meticulous crafting of compelling promotions to harnessing the potential of personalized marketing, we delve into tactics meticulously designed to not only distinguish your brand but also cultivate enduring impressions for your clientele.

Fanplayr is a global leader in providing behavioral data analyses and personalised buyer journey thanks to the use of patented behavioral segmentation tech, powered by AI, that improves website & e-commerce conversions, while maintaining user privacy.

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