
simon yencken
CEO, Co-founder
Previously senior Executive of Reuters & TIBCO. eCommerce investor in RedBubble & Moda Operandi. Specialized in social & digital marketing, coupons & offers, internet & software.
Derek Adelman
VP APAC, Co-Founder
Previously VP at Reuters & TIBCO. Responsible for TIBMercury (online trading solutions). Specialized in real-time solutions, analytics technology, software development and sales in Asia.
Rajiv Sunkara
CTO, Co-Founder
Previously Serus & Razor Risk. Specialized in product management, development, building and managing off-shore teams.
Saru Rangaswami
Previously with Amazon & Deloitte. Experience driving Technology and Analytics solutions across Organizations. Specialized in Global program delivery, managing multi-functional, distributed teams and building integrated operational capabilities.
Michael CaIn
VP Finance
Extensive experience managing accounting and finance teams in Silicon Valley.  Served as VP Finance for ADARA. Prior to ADARA, Mike worked at Hotchalk, Arcot Systems and TIBCO. He started his career as an auditor with Deloitte.
Hideaki Ueda
VP Japan
Previously Head of Enterprise Solutions Sales at Reuters & TIBCO Japan. Specialized in real-time solutions, predictive analytics, big data and growth hacking. Extensive relationship network in Asia.
Mauricio Maiola
Previously IT Manager at Cencosud. Partner at Caviar Digital Marketing. Specialized in retail, IT, process development, team management and extensive relationship network in Latam.
Andy McNab
An adtech veteran, he spent over six years at renowned adtech company Rocket Fuel, ending up as VP and Managing Director. In a career spanning over two decades, he worked at companies including AOL, MSN and Centro.
Mariano Tripiciano
Previously entrepreneur at Groofi and Sertec, led development and implementation of data centers for companies. Specialized in real-time discounting, segmentation and optimization of margins for eCommerce.
Board of Directors
Simon Yencken
Executive Chairman and CEO
Simon co-founded Fanplayr and has held the role of CEO since 2012. He has been a Non-Executive Board Member of Damstra Technologies, an Australian-based SaaS since 2019. Simon also served 10 years as a Board Member of Aconex Limited - 3 as Chairman - a provider of cloud-based collaboration software which went public on the ASX, and subsequently acquired by Oracle in 2018 for approximately US $1.2 bi. Simon is an active investor in start-up tech companies including Blackbird VC, Matrak Industries, Moda Operandi, and Dokio.
Derek Adelman
Director and VP APAC
Derek is a co-founder and VP Asia Pacific of Fanplayr. Derek has played a pivotal role in helping Fanplayr receive approval for its first patents, for Segmentation-as-a-Service. Prior to joining Fanplayr, Derek was a Partner with Line Beyond, from 2008 to 2011, and from 1992 to 2008, Derek held key management roles in Engineering and Development with TIBCO and Reuters.
Rajiv Sunkara
Director and CTO
Rajiv co-founded Fanplayr and has held the role of Director and Chief Technology Officer since inception. Prior to joining Fanplayr, Rajiv headed the Technology and Development departments for a variety of startups, including Serus Corporation from 2005 to 2008, and from 1998 to 2005 with NextSet which was acquired by Razor Risk Limited, a company listed on the ASX.
Johannes Risseeuw
Johannes Risseeuw has served as Executive Chairman for Damstra Technologies (ASX - DTC) since 2017 which is one of the first companies globally to deploy a technology platform for enterprise protection & safety (EPP). He was previously the Vice President Mergers & Acquisitions, Asia Pacific at Shell. Johannes has also served as the Chief Investment Officer of Questus Energy from 2016-2017, and as the Chief Operating Officer at Skilled Group Limited from 2011-2015.
V. Paul Unruh
A seasoned financial expert and formerly Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee for NortonLifeLock (Nasdaq - NLOK) and formerly Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee at Nexant (2000 – 2021, acquired by Resource Innovations). Serves as a Senior Advisor and member of LP Advisory Board of TeleSoft Partners. Other prior directorships include Heidrick & Struggles, Aconex (acquired by Oracle in 2018) and Move Inc 2003-2014. Paul worked at Bechtel from 1978 to 2003, retiring as vice chairman and member of the three-person senior management group.